Before submitting this Acceptance of offer Form, please review the information you have provided and ensure that you have answered all sections. I declare that by submitting this form:
a. I have reviewed the information I have given in this Acceptance of offer Form and that the information is true and correct, and I acknowledge that Avant Insurance will rely on this information in deciding whether I meet the criteria in making the offer above to me and that this form will be the basis of my policy.
b. With regard to the Student Indemnity Insurance Policy, I accept the offer of retroactive cover as set out in the policy and this Acceptance of offer Form from the date that I complete this Acceptance of offer Form or the date I originally joined Avant (whichever is earliest), and I agree to accept all future offers of retroactive cover, unless I advise Avant Insurance otherwise in writing. If I decide not to accept any offer of retroactive cover or future offers of retroactive cover, I may be uninsured for incidents occurring prior to the commencement date of my policy
c. With regard to the Intern/RMO1 Indemnity Insurance Policy, I accept the offer of retroactive cover as set out in the policy and this Acceptance of offer Form from the date that I started my internship or the date that I complete this Acceptance of offer Form (whichever is earliest) and confi rm that the date will cover all my past uncovered incidents and I agree to accept all future offers of retroactive cover, unless I advise Avant Insurance otherwise in writing. If I decide not to accept any offer of retroactive cover or future offers of retroactive cover, I may be uninsured for incidents occurring prior to the commencement date of my policy.
d. I have read and understood the Financial Services Guides, Product Disclosure Statements, Student Indemnity Insurance Policy, Intern/RMO1 Indemnity Insurance Policy, and Category of Practice Guide and I understand that the contract of insurance will be subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy or as otherwise specifically varied by Avant and agreed by me.
e. I accept this offer of membership of Avant and a Student Indemnity Insurance Policy and an Intern/RMO1 Indemnity Insurance Policy with Avant Insurance and agree to be bound by the Constitution of Avant and the terms of any insurance policy issued to me.
f. I consent to Avant contacting me in accordance with Avant’s Privacy Policy (including via email, if I have provided my email address). I understand that I may alter this consent at any time by contacting Avant.
g. I authorise Avant Insurance to obtain information or documents in relation to insurance matters or claims history from another insurance company, MDO or insurance reference bureau or similar organisation.
h. I understand that I may be required to participate in an audit. This may include the provision of a Statutory Declaration by me with regard to my category of practice and/or gross private practice billings (if any). I must cooperate and facilitate such an audit.
i. I accept that my policies will start from the date that I provide this completed Acceptance of offer Form to Avant and Avant Insurance or, as described above, the date I started my internship.